Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Ellensburg, WA sky for the week of January 20, 2024

Saturday: Winter is the best season for finding bright stars. And if you only want to set aside a few minutes, 10:00 p.m. tonight just might be the best time because the winter hexagon is due south. Starting at the bottom, find Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, two and a half fists held upright and at arms length above the southern horizon. Going clockwise, Procyon (8th brightest star in the night sky) is about two and a half fists to the upper left of Sirius. Pollux (17th brightest) is about two and a half fists above Procyon. Capella (6th brightest) is about two and a half fists to the upper right of Procyon and close to straight overhead. Going back to Sirius at the bottom, Rigel (7th brightest) is about two and a half fists to the upper right of Sirius. Aldebaran (14th brightest) is about three fists above Rigel. Adhara (22nd brightest) is a little more than a fist below Sirius and Castor (24th brightest) is right above Pollux. Betelgeuse (10th brightest) is in the center of the hexagon, five fists above due south. That’s nine of the 24 brightest stars visible in the night sky congregated in one small section of the sky. 

Sunday: Saturn is one and a half fists above the west-southwestern horizon and Jupiter is five and a half fists above the southern horizon at 6:00 p.m.

Monday: You think wintertime weather is bad in Ellensburg. Astronomers have discovered storms and earth-sized clouds on a brown dwarf. These are cool, small stars that are not massive enough to fuse hydrogen atoms into helium. In fact, they are more similar to gas giant planets such as Jupiter than to the Sun. Luckily, astronomers are getting better at predicting brown dwarf weather. That means you can plan your brown dwarf picnic with confidence. For more information, go to 

Tuesday: Do you ever take photos to spy on your neighbors? The Hubble Space Telescope does. In 2019, Hubble scientists released the best ever image of the Triangulum Galaxy, the second closest spiral galaxy to Earth. Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys weaved together 54 separate images to provide enough detail to see 10 million individual stars out of the estimated 40 billion stars in the galaxy. See the pictures at At 7:00 p.m., the Triangulum Galaxy is five and a half fists above the western horizon. It is typically visible with binoculars. First find the Great Square of Pegasus, centered three fists above the western horizon. It is tripped so it appears to be balanced on a corner. Go to the top star in the tilted square. Move your binoculars about one binocular field of view, about a half a fist above the corner star. You’ll see a pair of stars of similar brightness in that field of view. Then move your binoculars up another field of view to two stars that are a little brighter and a little farther apart than the previous pair. The brighter of the two is named Mirach. About one binocular field of view, or about a half a fist, to the right of Mirach is the largest galaxy in our neighborhood and the brightest in the sky: the Andromeda Galaxy. About one binocular field of view, or about a half a fist to the left of Mirach is the Triangulum Galaxy, also known as Messier 33 (M 33). The Triangulum is much more challenging to see.

Wednesday: Draco Malfoy makes an appearance in all seven books of the Harry Potter series. Perhaps you’ve heard of these. But, the constellation Draco the dragon makes an appearance in the sky every night. It is a circumpolar constellation as viewed from Ellensburg meaning it never goes below the horizon. The head of the dragon is one fist above due north at 9:30 p.m. Eltanin, the brightest star in the constellation, is at the lower left-hand corner of the trapezoid-shaped head of Draco.

Thursday: The Beehive Cluster is to the right of the full moon throughout the night. The January full moon is called the wolf moon because wolves are active and howl throughout the cold winter nights.

Friday: At 7:00 am tomorrow morning, the very bright planet Venus is one fist above the southeastern horizon. But the real treat is much closer to the horizon. Just above the horizon and to the left of due southeast are the planets Mercury and Mars. They are so close together in the sky that you couldn’t even fit a full moon between them. Mercury is the brighter of the two. They would both fit into the girls of view of a small telescope.

The positional information in this column about stars and planets is typically accurate for the entire week. For up to date information about the night sky, go to

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